Balancing your time and money

The average value of an ISA held by someone aged over 65 is £47,000, an increase of £4,500 on the previous year*. This data highlights that many pensioners are continuing to save for their future.

HMRC data suggests many pensioners are putting aside money to cover unforeseen costs and to buy more expensive one-off items, as opposed to relying on their day-to-day income.

Habit of a lifetime

Breaking the saving habit is tricky for some it seems, as some over-65s are continuing to save through fear of running out of money. Whilst this is a good idea in many cases, some over-65s could be living unnecessarily frugal lives as a result.

Balancing act

It’s a fine balancing act ensuring that you plan for your future without forgetting to live in the present. We’re here to help you achieve the right balance.

*HMRC, April 2019